RYA Training & Tuition

BoatShop Menorca can arrange courses and tuition for everyone, in association with the approved RYA Training Centres.  From the complete novice, first-time boater to full preparation for the elite RYA Yachtmaster qualification.  Menorca is the ideal location for your training, no tides to deal with, a safe boating region and plenty of great boating weather.  Courses are conducted all year round.

Why not combine your training with a yacht charter holiday?

You will have the instructor onboard for the first few days, then once you have reached the required level, you are free to go it alone and enjoy the rest of the charter holiday as a newly decorated captain.

Wishing to buy your first boat?

Good training and tuition is a must and we offer training on either your own, newly purchased boat or simply hire one of our boats to complete your chosen course.

Just upgraded to a larger boat?

No problem, we can offer either another full training course or take a higher level qualification or simply provide an instructor to get you used to your new boat and its particular driving characteristics for as long as is necessary until you are truly comfortable.

Please see below for a selection of our courses and tuition options.



Provides the skills and ability to drive your own vessel safely and with confidence.

The instructor will tailor the training to suit the individual drivers needs. 

This is perfect for when you change your boat and want to become familiar with the new craft. 

It is a minimum of one day and can be extended with further days as required.

Assumed knowledge: None. May be preceded by the Level 1 or Level 2 Powerboating Course

Minimum duration: 1 day 

Minimum age: 16 

Content: Tailored to the customer requirements / ability 

Ability after course: Self-sufficient and confident to operate own boat

COST: € 295 Euros per day.



Provides the skills and background knowledge needed by the competent powerboat driver and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence.

It focuses on low speed close quarters handling, man overboard recovery, an introduction to driving at planing speed, and collision regulations.

The course may be conducted in a variety of boat types, both planing and displacement, and the certificate issued will be endorsed to show the type of boat in which the training took place.

Upon successful completion, you are also able to apply for the RYA ICC International Certificate of Competence (up to 10 metres / 32 feet) which is a worldwide recognised qualification and required to charter or operate a boat in Europe and further afield. Please note that the minimum age to obtain the ICC is 16 years old.

Assumed knowledge: None. May be preceded by the Level 1 Start Powerboating Course

Minimum duration: 2 days

Minimum age: 12 (candidates under the age of 16 will be issued with an endorsed certificate)

Course content: Launching and recovery, boat handling, securing to a buoy, anchoring, leaving and coming alongside, man overboard

Ability after course: Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of the craft

COST: € 485 Euros per person, minimum of two persons.



This four-day course gives you the chance to take charge on short passages under instruction. You will concentrate on pilotage, boat handling, seamanship and navigation.

This course can also help you get the best from your modern electronic aids such as GPS and radar, which are now virtually standard equipment on modern motor cruisers.

It aims to teach you up to the standard required to skipper a motor cruiser safely by day in familiar waters.

There is also an introduction to night cruising.

Assumed knowledge: 2 days practical experience on a motor cruiser. A knowledge of basic navigation and helmsmanship and an introduction to night cruising. It is recommended that you attend the Day Skipper Shorebased Course before taking this practical course.

Minimum duration: 5 days

Minimum age: 16 years old

Course content: Preparation for sea, boat handling, navigation, pilotage, passage making, meteorology, rules of the road, engines, emergency situations, night cruising

Ability after course: Able to skipper a motor cruiser in waters with which the student is familiar, by day

COST: € 975 Euros per person, minimum of two persons.



This course aims to teach the skills and techniques required to skipper a motor cruiser of at least 7m LOA safely on coastal and offshore passages by day and night.

Before taking this course it is virtually essential to have attended the Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course, to ensure that time is not wasted teaching theory onboard.

For the more ambitious skipper to improve their skills and learn to make full use of the boat on longer, more complex passages.

An important aspect is learning to take command and make decisions resulting in relaxed, well-planned passages and happy crew.

Assumed knowledge: 15 days, 2 days as skipper, 300 miles, 8 night hours. Boat handling to the standard of the Day Skipper practical motor cruising course and navigation to the standard of the Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased course.

Minimum duration: 5 days

Minimum age: 17 years old

Course content: Passage planning, preparation for sea, pilotage, passage making and ability as a skipper, radar, boat handling, adverse weather conditions, emergency situations

Ability after course: Able to skipper a motor cruiser on coastal passages by day and night

COST: € 1100 Euros per person, minimum of two persons.


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